May 24, 2010

Moving Helps

A counselor who specializes in missionary re-entry told her summarizing a way to leave an appointment and prepare for the new pastorate: RAFT.

The acronym, RAFT, stands for

Reconciliation--Make every effort to reconcile with anyone who has hurt you or your husband. Reconciliation does not necessarily mean confronting the individual, but can be completed between you and God.

Affirmation--Thank those individuals who have helped you and your family.

Farewell to people and places -- Take time to visit one more time and photograph individuals and places that have meaning to you and your family.

Thinking Ahead --What can be done ahead of time to make the move easier? For example, when the children and I went with my husband to meet the staff/parish committee for one of our moves, I spent some time looking for preschools, places to swim, library summer programs etc.

Jacquie Reed is a pastor's spouse in Fishers, Indiana.

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