Today at church there was a big crisis. Everyone was talking about it. They talked about it more than I have heard anyone talk about a sermon or worship experience.
What was this remarkable crisis?
The Krispy Kreme donuts, which usually cover two tables in the dining room where coffee hour is held each week, did not arrive.
There were no donuts for the weekly time of conversation and gathering that adults enjoy!
I have heard pre-school children say upon entering the church say, "I want my donut." to which their parents reply, "Not until after church." I have seen two year-olds holding a donut that is bigger than his/her hand. Did you know that donuts have magical qualities? They can even calm any child who is having "a difficult time." Adroit adults can even balance a donut and coffee in one hand as they climb steps to attend Sunday school. Donuts, needless to say, are very important on Sunday morning.
I wish that persons would get as excited about a ministry or an opportunity to serve or beginning new ways of spiritual formation as they did about donuts.
Yes, I do know that Jesus enjoyed sharing food with people, and I bet that if Jesus came to any church across the country, he would visit the "donut room," get some coffee, and enter a discussion with those gathered around the tables. So is more ministry done over donuts than in the sanctuary? Hmmmm.
Jacquie Reed
Fishers, Indiana
Good observation. It makes one wonder if the focus of going to church in on praise and worship or eating breakfast. Perhaps there is a correlation there somewhere.