August 2, 2013

Listening for the Plan

I'm a planner. Before I go to bed, I pick out my clothes for the next day. Before I go to the grocery, I have a good idea what I'm going to buy. In my job, I plan constantly. When my kids were at home, I confess, I planned for them too. So, maybe like you, I'm good at thinking things through and going on the offensive to actively engage the world. And I'm a pretty good listener --even did it professionally for a while. But what I'm not so good at is listening for God's plan for me.

It's hard for me to wait for God's still small voice. It makes me feel that I'm not really doing anything. On one level, I know that's not true, but I feel that way nonetheless. And I know that I would benefit if I stopped to listen for God. It's still hard.

How can we listen for God? How can we stop crowding out God's voice. We in the church can be especially good at doing things for God and not with God. Here are a couple of things that are helping me.

First, I'm reading the Bible more. As I read, I imagine that I is God's personal communication to me. What's God trying to say?

Second, sometimes, I just have to stop what I'm doing and pay attention to the beauty around me.

Third, I look at the people around me as reflections of God's glory. What is God trying to say through them about his plan for me?

Fourth, I find ways to reach out and serve others, expecting nothing in return.

What is God's plan for me today? It's to be open to see the deep needs of others and offer out loud) to pray for them.

Where is God leading you? What helps you listen for God's plan?

Grace, Kathy

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