I just finished packing up my office so I can relocate to a different floor. As I assembled and taped boxes, it occured to me that as a pastor's spouse, I have a lot of experience with moving. As inconvenient as it is to move, whether an office or a household, there is also an upside. In fact, it might even be considered a spiritual discipline.
When we move I throw out needless rubbish, sometimes have a yard sale, clean things up, reorganize, and dust things off that (sadly) have not been adequately dusted for years. Moving gives me the opportunity to reprioritize and reassess my needs and goals. And just like my new office will be clean, my soul will be refreshed and ready to begin again.
Don't get me wrong, I really don't like moving. But it does give me an opportunity to refresh and renew my sense of order by inviting me to set new priorities. Moving is a spiritual discipline because it gives God another chance to break into my world.
Grace, Kathy
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